Monday, September 21, 2009


35 blogs
which have re-opened after being locked and put "Under Review" by google blogger
have migrated from google blogger due to fear of being locked and put "Under Review" by google blogger


  1. Guess what! One of my very favorite gay Blogs, So Many Hot Guys, is blocked! I just went there a minute ago ( and found it "under review". The stupid, provincial, puritanical, blocking, black-balling, censoring sons of bitches got So Many Hot Guys, which is one of the very best of all the Blogs we enjoy. Goddamn wretched censoring bastards, I am so sick of this! However, I also checked the two subsidiaries, So Many Hot Guys Uncensored ( and So Many Hot Guys: The Hirsute Male ( and they seem to be unaffected--so far. The attack on the main Blog, however, is uncalled for and infuriating. When in the hell is this BS going to stop?

  2. @ J.A. Thanks, I published it today. Jeff

  3. Noticed today (9/24) that "Casper Fan" is re-blocked after being opened a few weeks.

  4. Thanks Don, I'll take it off the list. Appreciate your help, man!
