Wednesday, April 6, 2011

   Here are (5) USA Corporations "NET" Earnings
   For Last Year, As Reported By the Rachel Maddow
   Show A Few Nights Ago On MSNBC!!! 

Now one would think that a Corporation as BIG AS GOOGLE, that just made 18.9 (B)illion Dollars in "Net Profits" last year, could hire more employees to help look into all the Blogs that are being closed and help get them re-opened faster than they current ARE!!!  Right???  WRONG, they aren't!!!   And while Jeff's Dad always said, "You Get What You Pay For!!!" for after all, these blogs are free!!!  Well my Dad always said, "Money TALK$ and $hit walks!!!" And as you can see by Our Blog's Report last week what Money is thinking of Oh So Many Blogs!!!  With that said, Here is.....
Our New Listing(s) for April 06, 2011
Fence Rider (Re-Opened, New Name at own domain)
Gay Full Movies (Removed)
KeithKats (Re-opened)
Ken's Place (Re-opened. New Name at own domain)
Loco Luke's Luscious Lads (Re-opened moved to WordPress)
Mundo Gay (Removed)**
Nude Teen Boys (Removed)
Orgastic Blog (Removed)
Orientbears (Removed)

News Bulletin!!! (04/07) Just in...(My Gay Dicks Blog) has been Re-opened as (David's Blog) on Best Male Diaries...... :)  Please see Our 'All Re-Opened Blog Section' for His New Link…..

* English Translation (The Story, The Slave) Of A Indonesian Blog
** English Translation (Gay World) Of A Spanish Blog
Today's Listings were supplied to Us by, Big14U (A Blog Visitor), Carlton (A Blog Visitor), Fransisco (A Blog Visitor), Hylton (A Blog Visitor), Jerry (A Blog Visitor), Keith (A Blog Owner) @ KeithKats, Matt (A Blog Visitor) and Thomas (A Blog Visitor).  And We Thank ALL OF YOU Guys for taking the time to sharing what You know with US So That All Of Us Know The Same!!!
(1,104) Blogs are now on Our Master List and You can see the complete list by clicking on the following...

So Blog Owners!!!
Need Help With This? Then Click (Here)
Backup Your Blog each time to you Post to it before you see Your Blog's Name on Our Next Posting!!! It fast and easy to do and Your Blog Fans will be so glad you have, when You Open Up Your Replacement Blog!!!
And If You're A Blog Visitor....and
You're Looking For Your Favorite Blog???
And Can Not Find It because it has been "Closed, Removed Or Deleted" by Google!!! Well We are happy to report that (200) of them have been re-opened either here at Google Blogger's or on another Service known as "WordPress"or they now have their "Own Domain".
So Guys, either check out Our Master List and hopefully You will find one of YOUR Favorite Blog(s) that has been Re-opened.....:) and Your Favorite Blog Owner didn't give up because of what Google is doing to OH SO MANY BLOGS!! OR.... You can simply click on the following Button to see Our complete Re-opened Blog Role!!!
And whether You're a Blog Owner or You're A Blog Visitor or You're Both click (Here) to report YOUR information about a Google Blog to Us and see Your Blog And/Or Your Name Highlighted here on our next Posting!!!! Thanking You if you do.
A Note To All Blog Owner's:

Yes Guys, yet once again, something New, only this time it's for (Your Blog's).....((( Big Smile )))  For you see, a very good and dear friend of Ours by the name of Steve, the Blog Owner of  H A W T  Blog, has developed a Blog Gadget for ALL OUR BLOG'S and he is calling it "The Counter of Shame" as shown here...

(A Note Here: This is Steve's actual Counter and is not just a photo of it HERE Guys!!!)

Steve himself is maintaining the total count of all Reported Closed Blogs in his master copy of this gadget on his own and is up-dating it twice a week.  And once installed on Your Blog, it not only will highlight the total number of current Reported Closed Blogs for Your Blog Visitor's to see, but when clicked on, it is linked to this blog for Your Visitors to get the complete current listings.  Plus it a great way to increase the number of "Referrals" in Our Top 100 Referral List here.  I installed this gadget on My Wallpaper Blog right underneath my Blog Role a week ago and my daily referrals went way up, even though I have a Link In My Blog Roll To This Blog!!!
So it is Our Hopes that this gadget becomes a STANDARD on All Gay Blogs, not only to show Your Love and Respect to all those fellow Blog Owners that have fallen, but also to show all Your Blog Visitors what is going on and the current problem that we are ALL facing here daily on Google Blogger and guys,  it is so, so easy to install....
Just click on "Design" on Your Dashboard, then click on "Add a Gadget" and then click on "Add your own" as shown here....

Next, now copy the following address....
And paste it into the URL Address Box and click on the "ADD BY URL" Button.  And "The Counter of Shame" will show up in a new window whereas you can totally customize it for your blog has shown here...

And for those of you that may have a WordPress Blog, Steve has that covered also, just click (Here) and copy the code and then paste it into a WordPress "Text/Code" Box and then move it to where you would like it.  By doing this, the Gadget then becomes "Transparent" and looks great on any WordPress Blog.  I have it on My WordPress Wallpaper Blog also and it's working fantastic. 
And If may just have one more minute of your time, and that is of what Steve is trying to do FOR ALL OF US, and it was when I asked Him why he didn't include, "This Gadget Brought To You By", His answer was just simply the BEST...."When I have a need to be "stroked with recognition", and that time is not now... For I could have done more, I should have done more... This is just about making up for some lost time... About long-overdue-support... Not just to you, but to all those that have fallen, I've known lots :(
So We Are Hoping that there are SO Many More of You that feel this way, and You will install this gadget on Your Blog(s) to SHOW ALL what is going on here On Google Blogger!!!  And hoping Your Help Will Hopefully Make a Change for ALL GAY BLOGS TO BEEN SEEN AND HEARD ON THE NET IN THE FUTURE???
If you have any questions and/or problems with this one, well feel free to e-mails me, I will be more than glad to help you out.  Hoping you ALL install this one, Steve, Jeff & Myself are thanking you if you do.
Your Blogger Buddies Always, Jeff & Brent


  1. ummm... you never told me you were going to quote why I created it in the first place... blushing with embarrassment :)

    I want this to be ONLY about supporting you guys, and about raising awareness of this issue.

    In just a couple of weeks the number has risen by 49. These aren't just numbers, they are real people!

    Very few realize how much effort you guys put into supporting the gay blogging community.

    This is just my little way of saying thanks :) xo

  2. Hi,
    I am quite new to this blog and I must tell you that I am highly impressed with your work. I am loving the blog already. I really appreciate your work for sharing with us such nice and useful information.
    Thank you..

  3. Hey Steve, Please believe me I didn't mean for what I posted to be an embarrassment to You, but only to show to ALL the "Heart" & "Soul" of all Your hard work you have done, not only for what you are trying to do for Jeff & I, but also for all Gay Blogs on Google Blogger!!! And while Jeff & I totally understand what you are trying to do, I was only trying to get more Blog Owners to do the same by installing Your Gadget that might have the same kind of "Heart" & "Soul" as you do Buddy, and this becomes a "Standard" Gadget on ALL Gay Blogs!!!! All We can do is now wait and see if it shows up on any Gay Blogs??? Blogger Hugs To You Always Steve And Thank You, Thank You So Much For This Most Wonderful Gadget To Help ALL OF US!!!, (Brent)

  4. Hi Ye UK Dating Websites, And thank you so much for taking the time to post all your kind words for our 3,000+ a day visitor's to see!! It is so great to hear that what Jeff & I are doing, You are finding as useful information. It was and still is, Jeff's original plans when starting this Blog, to be able to help All Gay Blog Owner's and All Gay Blog Visitor's to stay in touch with each other after Google Blogger has shut down a Gay Blog and Jeff and I are trying our very best to this day to keep doing this for ALL!!! Blogger Hugs To You. (Brent)

  5. Oh fuck, embarrass the hell out of him! He deserves it - BIG TIME. Hey STEVE, bet I can make your butt cheeks blush as red as your face cheeks. I just luv a blushing boy!
    Big Hug, Jeff

  6. lol... suddenly my blush is flushed, my testes are tingling, and I am biting a pillow :)
