Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Missing Photos On Your Blog ?

Do You Have Missing Photos On Your Blog?
See Note Below For A Possible Fix!!!
(Note: This Photo Was Posted)
(Not Removed By Google!!!)
Our New Listing(s) for September 21, 2011
American Bear (Locked out)
Blog Watch (Not Found)
Boy Pits (Removed)
Stud Gay (Removed)
* English Translation (NASRUAS Against Corruption) Of A Portuguese Blog
Today's Listings were supplied to Us by, Carl, Daniel, Frank, Jamie, Jason, Juan, Kevin, Nathan, Paul, Raymond and (4) Unknown (Blog Followers) that did not want their names highlight. And We Thank ALL OF YOU Guys for taking the time to sharing what You know with US So That All Of Us Know The Same!!!
And now there are (1,938) Blogs on Our Master List and You can see the complete list by clicking on the following...
So Blog Owners!!!
Need Help With This? Then Click (Here)
Backup Your Blog each time to you Post to it before you see Your Blog's Name on Our Next Posting!!! It fast and easy to do and Your Blog Fans will be so glad you have, when You Open Up Your Replacement Blog!!!
And If You're A Blog Visitor....and
You're Looking For Your Favorite Blog???

And Can Not Find It because it has been "Closed, Removed Or Deleted" by Google!!! Well We are happy to report that (258) of them have been re-opened either here at Google Blogger's or on another Service known as "WordPress"or they now have their "Own Domain".
So Guys, either check out Our Master List and hopefully You will find one of YOUR Favorite Blog(s) that has been Re-opened.....:) and Your Favorite Blog Owner didn't give up because of what Google is doing to OH SO MANY BLOGS!! OR.... You can simply click on the following Button to see Our complete Re-opened Blog Role!!!
And whether You're a Blog Owner or You're A Blog Visitor or You're Both click (Here) to report YOUR information about a Google Blog to Us and see Your Blog And/Or Your Name Highlighted here on our next Posting!!!! Thanking You if you do.
Yes those ugly black boxes that are showing up on so many Blogs are getting to be a real big pain in the ass, but I have received two e-mails from two Blog Owner's of what they have tried to solve the problem, so I tried it on my Wallpaper blog and so far so good, none of my Posted Wallpapers are coming up missing nor are the posted pictures for these two Blog Owner's.  Oh and one more thing, I'm doing the same here on this Blog and none of my posted pictures so far are missing here.  And while there is no guarantee that this is going to solve your problem, I thought at least I should post what (3) of us are doing that is working for Us so far.  So here goes....
#1> Create Yourself a NEW G-MAIL Account and write down the new address and DO NOT Link this new account to Google + in away shape or form!
#2> Now Sign into your Blog's Dashboard just like you have been doing and click on "Settings/Basic/Add Author" and send a invite to your new G-Mail address and then close your Dashboard.
#3> Open up your New G-Mail Account an accept the invite and this will grant you permission to Post postings on your Blog under this NEW Account.  I also recommend that you grant this second account "Full Admin. Privileges, but you have to do this under your original account.  This way if your original account is closed by Google, you still can access you Blog via this new 2nd Account.
#4> The next time you are ready to do a Posting to Your Blog, sign in Under Your New Account and do your Posting.  Each time you do a up-load of a Photo, this will place it in a NEW PICASA FOLDER under Your New Account, not in the original Picasa folder for Your Blog that is having the problems.
Like I said, there is no guarantee this is going to solve your problem, for it makes no since that one Picasa File folder is having a problem, while other New Picasa Folders are working just fine????  But then again, We talking about GOOGLE!!!!  And you have nothing to loose and everything to grain if it Works!!!  And if it doesn't, well at least you now have an additional way to log into your Blog. OK? Ok.
PS:  If you do try this, please let us all know either way if it worked or didn't work for You. Thanks
Your Blogger Buddies Always, Jeff & Brent


  1. i put posts with several accounts on my blog, and in EACH ONE there are missing pics or these ugly black signs.... it is sad, but not the way to solve the problem, guyz !!!!!
    keep in touch !

  2. Thanks FotoMacher, the point I was trying to make was NOT of have multiple accounts on Blogs, but to Have New Picasa Folders to store your current posted photos in, have You tried that for each of your accounts on your Blog? Since I have done that I'm not missing any of my photos any more, however my old Picasa Folder is missing Photos I have to restore. (Brent)

  3. The problem is Google+!!!!!

    Respuesta de un administrador de Google.

    "¿Estas probando el servicio Google+?
    Es posible que al añadirlo, hayas cambiado la configuración de privacidad de tus álbumes y por tanto ahora no se muestren, hay que recordar que todas las imágenes que subes a tus blogs se almacenan paralelamente en el servicio Albumes Web de Picasa:
    Ve a Picasa y asegurate que la configuración de visibilidad de tus álbumes esté configurada a "Cualquier usuario con el enlace", guarda cambios y espera unos minutos y vuelve a mirar si se corrige el problema en tu blog.

    one kissss

  4. Thanks KEPLER23BCN, for you tip. English Translation on what KEPLER23BCN stated is...

    Administrator Response from Google.

    "Are you testing the service Google +?
    It is possible to add, you change the privacy settings of your albums and so far no show, we must remember that all images you upload to your blogs are stored in parallel in the Picasa Web Albums service: https:// / home
    Go into Picasa and make sure the visibility settings of your albums are set to "Anyone with the link", save changes and wait a few minutes and then see if it corrects the problem in your blog.
    Greetings. "

  5. I think that me answer not is perfect... I continue with the pictures stop....

  6. I do not have a gmail got attacked last time I lost the blog. Can I do it from simply a new email, or do I have to have a new account with gmail?


    Thanks for all your help guys!

    XO FFB

  7. Wow FFB, Great Question and one I didn't even think about!!! But after do so, Right ON FFB, for it shouldn't matter whether it is a gmail account, a yahoo e-mail account or any e-mail account that the New Second Account is set up under. What is appearing to me is the importance if just setting up a Whole New and Fresh Picasa File Folder for Your Blog. So I'm guessing, whether it be via a new gmail or any other e-mail account that this might do it FFB!!! For ALL my up-loaded photos into my New Picasa Accounts are working just fine so far, while My Original Picasa Folder for My Wallpaper Blog, well it just like on so many other Blogs, I'm having to restore the photos in it!!! Like it said in my posting, this make no since, why is it working in a New Picasa File Folders, but not in the older Picasa File Folders??? DA and DA, but We Are OH So Talking About Google Here! All we can do is keep trying to solve this one and this one so far is working for me and (2) other known blog owners, so that is way I Posted it!! Oh So Hoping this is of some help to You and Others. Your Blogger Buddy (Brent)

  8. Hey Brent...I have done as you we will see...will make a new post on POSES tonight, and on FLIPFLOPSBOY we'll see!

    XO and thanks so much for your help!


  9. Hi Brent - I added a new gadget under my blog's header as suggested in your previous post and that seemed to work for a couple of days. Then it quit. At first my viewers saw the black boxes but I did not when I was signed in, then the next day they appeared when I signed in. I re-posted a pic on one post and that corrected that post. The really strange thing is: when I went to the next post to re-post an affected pic, the black box had gone away on it's own!! My mind isn't quite ready to open a new email account in hopes of defeating this insidious problem.

  10. Brilliant!!! An arduous task -perhaps. Worth the time/effort -Most Definitely! Additional account access w/ Full Admin. Privileges - "Bonus!"
    Clever + Resourceful + Persistence + Commitment = Very SEXY Stuff!!!

  11. Hi FFB, I visited both Your Blogs this morning and I see that you have done a new posting on each under your New Account and all the photos are showing up. Now all we can do is wait and see if this holds up and they continue to be displayed. Thanks for letting Us know that you have given this a try. X's and O's back to you. (Brent)

  12. Hey SickoRicko, I just visited your Blog and I happy to announce that the new gadget under your Blog's Header is working this morning for me and Lightbox is turned off. Now as for the insidious problem of your missing photos restoring themselves, Boy I can top that. I visited a Blog yesterday morning that opened back in the later part of July and it only has 45 postings on it and ALL his posted photos were those ugly black boxes except for 1 or 2. It was like His Blog had been closed but still open!!! Yet when I re-visited His Blog late yesterday afternoon ALL His posted photos had been restored and showing except for 1 or 2??? This one is a most hard one to solve for it never does the same thing twice and only does it on some Blogs, not all Blogs. (Brent)

  13. OH Skilled4Men, Thanks for your most kind comment (Blush!!!, Blush!!!) Like I said in my posting, don't know if this is going to solve the problem or not, but at least for those that try it, it might plus they will have an additional account to access there blog in case their original account is closed and they can keep on Blogging. Plus they also get a Fresh New Picasa Account starting at Zero Storage Space!!! Once again Thanks. (Brent)

  14. This is FLIP FLOPS far so good! (Butt Boy is my new account)

    XO FFB

  15. Yah! I think it is working! Note: you can use any email account, doesn't have to be gmail.

    XO FFB

  16. Right On FFB, and thanks for letting everyone know that ANY email account will work and so far things are working for Your Blogs. And I'm so glad that you have taken the time to at least try this to see of this going to work or not work on Your Blogs. It's working for me!!! (Brent)

  17. I haven't tried it with a yahoo account yet however I can tell you that the easyest way to back up/keep track of your postings is too - if you have the room on your hard drive, keep them in marked (daily) foldars on your own computer. I've found this to be useful in that I can work on them offline AND don't ever have to worry about picasa suddenly deleting my pictures. It is possible they could be the problem and not the solution.

  18. eeyyyy I think that que problem of picture STOP is over!!!!!! me Picasa now not delete the pictures!!!!

    Continue to monitor.

    One kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisss

  19. Thanks for the great tip Joey, Backing up a Google Blog in any way, shape or form its the Best Advise that can be given to All Google Blog Owners!!! (Brent)

  20. Hey KEPLER23BCN, Thanks for letting all of Us know that the missing picture problem has stopped on your Blog!!! However this problem is not over for all Blogs just yet. I'm still seeing Blogs that have posting just this last Thursday and Friday that have missing photos! So all we can do is to keep trying our best to solve this one for ALL Blogs!!! (Brent)

  21. Brent and Jeff...I got an anonymous comment on my main blog stating that they could only see 4 photos! They look fine to me...any ideas?


  22. Hey FFB, Just visited and I Have No Idea What Anonymous is talking about here FFB, Everything is coming through perfectly fine for me and I was able to see all (20) Photos that you have posted since you switched over to your NEW Account, Without (1) of them being removed by Google!!!! Must be His Browser, or He just needs to do a refresh of your current page is my only thoughts I can think of!!! Your Buddy Always (Brent)

  23. Google has just disabled my Picasa accoun, with no reason. And I was paying for it. Now I have a blog full of black boxes.

    Kitlad formerly -


    Very unhappy now

  24. Kitlad, the first thing I suggest is contacting Google, probably via the Help Forums, and either get your account reinstated, or get your money back.

    If you are using images from your now disabled picasa account on bestmalediaries, you will get the black boxes.

    So attempt to get your picasa account reinstated and, in theory, your black boxes on bestmalediaries will return to images.

  25. Hiya, I am using photos from my picasa account on bestmalediaries. So, hundreds of black boxes. It has also affected my AdSense account too, which I was using on another site. They owe me money as well! I been in contact with them, but still waiting for a reply.

    It's a nightmare
