Backing up your blog does NOT back up your images! Each image you insert in your blog is actually uploaded and stored to Picasa! Your blog post only contains a link to the image in Picasa! If you have an image in any Google product you automatically have a Picasa Web Album account.
For those of you who are surprised, I have a quick assignment for you: from your DASHBOARD ==> MY ACCOUNT ==> PRODUCTS ==> PICASA WEB ALBUMS
Et Voila!! All your images are there!
I know most of you are terrified to experiment with your Blogger blog. Therefore, open up a new test blog! DASHBOARD ==> CREATE NEW BLOG ==> (you can take it from here). Now DON'T PANIC:
- Upload three images into one test post and publish post.
- Go to your Picasa Web Albums (see above) and find your three images.
- Go back to your test blog, edit the test post and delete one of the images. Publish post. You now have two images in your post.
- Go to your Picasa Web Albums and you will still find your three original images.
- Go back to your blog entry and click the EDIT HTML.
- You will find a code starting with <a href="http://( of your image).(file extention {such as jpeg})" This is the link to your image in Picasa.
- When you delete an image from your blog, you are deleting this link to the actual image.
Next post will be saving your Picasa images.
Keep on Bloggin!
Jeff & Brent
but what is going on when my images DON"T show in in my Picasa webalbum?
Hey Anonymous, sorry for the delay in this, for I just found your comment in Our Spam Comment Folder, have no reason why, but then again We are talking about Google and I have published it!! To answer your question of why you're not seeing your photo's in Picasa? Well if your Photo's are still being shown on Your Blog, then you are not logged into Your Picasa Account under the same account has You are when Your on Your Blog to see Your Blog's Photo Album!!! For All Your Blog Photos are stored under the same name!!! However, if the all the photos on Your Blog are missing, then Google has already removed them from Your Picasa Blog Account for whatever reason and that is why you should have backups!!! Hoping this is of help, if not, please e-mail Us with more information @ Your Blogger Buddy Always...(((Brent)))
Also, it may take a while for the images to show in Picasa, but they are there. As Brent said, email us if you're having problems and we'll help you! Jeff
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