Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Will Always Remember!!!

Yes Blogger Buddies, Jeff and I will always remember this time, this day, and this time of each Year as all of the rest of You Do as well, not only here in the USA, but the world wild and while we all stop and remember what happened here in the USA back on September 11, 2001 TODAY.  And while this happen long, long before even starting this Blog, it just goes to show that We should ALL NEVER, EVER TO FORGET, All Those That Have Fallen!!!
And just like in New York City, USA where there is a "Ray" of hope....
And Something New Arises...
Well Blogger Buddies, Just Like with many of a Google Fallen Blog, some of them also Do Rise Once Again!!!  And We are just so glad that You're here with Us with the hopes of You finding them!!

And while I'm sorry for this interruption in Jeff's regular postings, but since it is September the 11th, thought You just might like to know what so many others are thinking about this DAY!!!  A most difficult day for Many, I'm Sure!!!
Jeff's regular posting of Highlighting Our Blogs Supporter's will resume on Thursday Morning.
Your Blogger Buddy, Brent here for this special Posting For Jeff & Brent. 


  1. Thank you both for your respect and consideration on this saddest of days. Business as usual for many, but not for me.

  2. I hear You O!Daddie and I'm sure there are many with very heavy hearts today and You're not alone!!! Your Blogger Buddy, (Brent)
