Saturday, January 26, 2013

You're Not Seeing Double Guys!!!

On Our Blog??, Well Yes And No!!

Hey Blogger Fans, We received an e-mail from a Blogger Fan of Ours by the name of Ray, that read as follows....   

Hello Jeff & Brent - I noticed that there are some blogs in the "Top 100 Referrals" list that are listed multiple times. Is there a way to get rid of that problem. I think it would be more efficient if each blog had a single listing. It would allow more blogs to be on the "Top 100 Referrals" list.
Well Guys I thought just maybe many of You might have the same question as Ray and while I have already answered Ray, I thought some Of You might like to know why this is happening also!!!  And Yes, it is all because of Google, leave it to Google to screw things up for everyone once again, only thinking that things are going to be BETTER, but they haven't, and We All Are now having to dealing with it!!!   

So let Me try My best to explain to You why this is happening and bear with me, it's not an easy task.  So here I go!  Some time last year Google starting changing all of it's Google Blog Addresses World Wide from their default addresses that we all know ending with "" to "blogspot.(And A Country Code)" depend on which country the Blog that is listing the Google Blog that the Google Blog is being Hosted In, that is adding a Google Blog to it's Blog Role.   

For example, All Google Blogs that We add to Our Blog Roles here, the RSS Feed for them remain with an ending address of "", this is because Our Blog is being Hosted By Google right here in the USA, but if this Blog were being hosting in, let say the United Kingdom, then all the RSS Feed for all Google Blogs added to Our Blog Roles would have an address ending with the address of "".
This is true for All Google Blogs WORLD WIDE!!!  And the reason for this is because I think Google wanted all Internet Traffic To Their Google Blogs, those that are still open On Google that is, to be more evening distributed through out the World to the Country Hosting the Blog, that all there listings of Google Blogs come in through the Country Server that Google is Severing them in, rather than ALL GOOGLE BLOG TRAFFIC WORLD WIDE Coming in though their USA Server's, know as "".... DA!!  Make since to me!!!  Did it help to speed things up when opening a Google Blog???  YA Right???  That sure worked!!!  Seems to me, things have even gotten slower since before this major switch over!!!  But then again, Google KNOWS BEST???    

Never the less, to help You see what I'm talking about, this is what Our Blog Address looks like in Oh So Many Foreign Blogs that are Linking to Us, thanks to a screen shoot from One of Our Blog Trackers that is showing Us where Our Blog Traffic is entering at...

And as You can plainly see, We are not be listing World Wide as ""!!!  Yet We ARE "BLOGSPOT.COM"???
Hoping that You All Can Now See what I'm trying my best to explain to All Of You now and why You Maybe Seeing Multiple Blogs within Our Top 100 with the SAME NAME, yet when in fact they All have different addresses!!!
You're Not....

Your just seeing another One Of E-Referral's Mistakes!!!  And while the "E-Referral" Teem Web site is fully aware of this problem and have been promising a Newer Version of their Gadget now for over a year or so now, none so far!!!  So this is what All We Blog Owner's are dealing with using this Gadget, till this problem is corrected by "E-Referral", all Thanks To Google trying to make things BETTER!!!  Or till someone comes UP WITH A BETTER GADGET!!!  Sorry Guys, but this is what We are stuck with!!!  Hoping this helps to explains Why Your Not Seeing Double, when in fact You are!!!  And with all this said....
Our New Listing(s) for January 26, 2013
Freedom (Removed)
Hot Amateur Men (Removed again)
Kyle's Naked (Removed)
Mature and Bare Men Hideaway (Re-Opened new address)
Minnesota Males (Removed)
Only Pictures (Removed)
Watch here (Removed)
Yaoi Garden (Removed)
Today's Listings were supplied to Us by, Devin, Dominic, Gilbert, Isaiah, Kyle, Nat, Owen, Rob, and (3) other Unknown (Blog Followers) that did not want their names highlight. And We Thank ALL OF YOU Guys for taking the time to sharing what You know with US so That All of Us Know The Same!!!
And sadly to say, there are now (3,413) Blogs on Our Master List and You can see the complete list by clicking on the following...
So Blog Owners!!!
For Your Just Never Know
With Google???
Need Help With This? Then Click (Here)
Backup Your Blog each time to you Post to it before you see Your Blog's Name on Our Next Posting!!! It fast and easy to do and Your Blog Fans will be so glad you have, when You Open Up Your Replacement Blog!!!
And If You're A Blog Visitor....and
You're Looking For Your Favorite Blog???
And Can Not Find It because it has been "Closed, Removed Or Deleted" by Google!!! Well We are happy to report that (313) of them have been re-opened either here at Google Blogger's or on another Service known as "WordPress"or they now have their "Own Domain".
So Guys, either check out Our Master List and hopefully You will find one of YOUR Favorite Blog(s) that has been Re-opened.....:) and Your Favorite Blog Owner didn't give up because of what Google is doing to OH SO MANY BLOGS!! OR.... You can simply click on the following Button to see Our complete Re-opened Blog Role!!!
And whether You're a Blog Owner or You're A Blog Visitor or You're Both click (Here) to report YOUR information about a Google Blog to Us and see Your Blog And/Or Your Name Highlighted here on our next Posting!!!  Thanking You if you do.
Your Blogger Buddies Always, Jeff & Brent


  1. Wow Brent, I'm always amazed at each and every time I log into this Blog, that I learn something NEW about Google Bogs that I didn't know about before!!! Brent, you have such a wonderful way of expressing yourself, not only to ME, but I'm also hopping to ALL YOUR BLOG FANS as well, that just makes total since, at least to ME!!! So I'm not seeing double any more!!! Thanks for your Great Explanation!!! And I for sure will keep All Your Blog Fans Stay Up-to-date with any Google Blogs I have find to be closed!!! Thnks for this Great Blog!!! I Love All what your doing...BigOne4U

  2. Thanks BigOne4U, glad to hear the information was helpful to you and thanks for all your kind words about Our Blog. Also thank you for sharing so many closed blogs with us over the past year along with so many others!!! It is greatly appreciated. Your Blogger Buddy Always, (Brent)

  3. I'd like to make a suggestion that you create a sorta "sticky" section to your posts about closed blogs that explains to those of us who haven't been following this WHY Google is closing down these blogs! Is there some nefarious purpose behind this, is it just plain incompetence (i.e., these are being closed accidentally), or is there something in the Blogger agreement that prohibits these types of blog. (Not quite falling into the "nefarious" category, but certainly discriminatory).

    Secondly, DUDE, SPELLCHECK your posts!!! :-) They're almost impossible to read!

  4. Hey geo, I just did a count check of Our Master List and of the current 3,419 Gay Blogs reported to us, only 324 Blogs on been closed by Google for violating their Terms Of Service, the other 3,089 Blogs have been removed for what Google calls "Spamming"!!! The catch 22 here is since Google does not out line anywhere what a Spamming Blog is, it just anyone guess why they are removed? Not just Gay Blogs, but all Google Blogs!!! And for my spelling, sorry about this, since the new Google Blog Editor no longer checks our spelling as we type, I forget to click on "Spell Check" to check of errors!!! Thanks for the reminder and I will try to do better in the future :) Your Blogger Buddy Always, (Brent)
