Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Thing I Do Every Morning!!!
Our New Listing(s) for March 16, 2011
Best Guy Gay (Removed)
Bitchboy Blog (Removed again)
Bjens (Removed)
Daddy Sanches (Removed)
Free Boy Video (Removed)
Gay Andy (Not found again)
Gayest Str8 Guy, The (Removed again)
Hot Men Videos (Removed)
In Search of a boi (Re-opened under new name)
Omo Lovers (Removed)
POSES (Removed again)
Sharpieboys (Removed)
Soft-plaisir (Removed)
Teen Boys Mania (Removed)
Veneno de Los Sentidos (Removed)*
Wayne's Nude Musicians (Re-opened, moved to Nibblebit)
Yellowboy16 (Removed again)    

News Bulletin!!! (3/16) Just in.... (OMG! Its That Bi Kid) have been CLOSED AGAIN and has been removed from Our "All Re-Opened Blog Section"….. :(
* English Translation (Venom Sense) Of A Spanish Blog
Today's Listings were supplied to Us by, ABigOne (A Blog Visitor), Bart (A Blog Visitor), Dex (A Blog Visitor), ems tens (A Blog Visitor), Frank (A Blog Visitor), Harold (A Blog Visitor), Jimmy (A Blog Visitor), Kent (A Blog Visitor), Larry (A Blog Visitor), Mike A Blog Visitor), Peter (A Blog Visitor), Robert (A Blog Visitor), Samuel (A Blog Visitor), Wayne Berry (A Blog Owner) @ Wayne's Nude Musicians and Yogi (A Blog Visitor).  And We Thank ALL OF YOU Guys for taking the time to sharing what You know with US So That All Of Us Know The Same!!!
(1,025) Blogs are now on Our Master List and You can see the complete list by clicking on the following...
So Blog Owners!!!
Need Help With This? Then Click (Here)
Backup Your Blog each time to you Post to it before you see Your Blog's Name on Our Next Posting!!! It fast and easy to do and Your Blog Fans will be so glad you have, when You Open Up Your Replacement Blog!!!
And If You're A Blog Visitor....and
You're Looking For Your Favorite Blog???
And Can Not Find It because it has been "Closed, Removed Or Deleted" by Google!!! Well We are happy to report that (182) of them have been re-opened either here at Google Blogger's or on another Service known as "WordPress"or they now have their "Own Domain".
So Guys, either check out Our Master List and hopefully You will find one of YOUR Favorite Blog(s) that has been Re-opened.....:) and Your Favorite Blog Owner didn't give up because of what Google is doing to OH SO MANY BLOGS!! OR.... You can simply click on the following Button to see Our complete Re-opened Blog Role!!!
And whether You're a Blog Owner or You're A Blog Visitor or You're Both click (Here) to report YOUR information about a Google Blog to Us and see Your Blog And/Or Your Name Highlighted here on our next Posting!!!! Thanking You if you do.
Your Blogger Buddies Always, Jeff & Brent


  1. Tell us why in your opinion Google closes so many blogs? Is it homophobia or something else?

    keep up the great work you do


  2. Hi Raulito! Google isn't homophobic. They have poorly written algorithms which act as Robots ( or Bots) going through all blogs looking for anything which looks like a spam blog. If it sees anything which might be spam, it locks the blog down. Google has a complicated 4 step process to get the blog re-opened. It also takes forever. Most bloggers just give up.
    If you take a look at the blogger Help Forms, you will see all sorts of blogs being closed - not just gay blogs.

    Brent & I just keep track of the Gay content blogs. I sure wish others would get angry enough to start listing their favorite theme blogs which are closed.

    So don't worry, Google is not just looking for gay blogs, or we'd ALL be closed in a heart-beat!

  3. Doesn't one of the largest companies in the world care that some of their services are defective? I'd think Google wouldn't want that reputation.

  4. More than 1000s gay blog closed by Google ;-(

    That's not good!

  5. Rob, remember, Blogger and Gmail are free services. Not many companies offer that. I'm not defending Google/Blogger, but I think it is a factor to keep in mind.

    My father always says: You get what you pay for.


  6. hi jeff
    my blog was close, but i did a backup. Unfortunely the pictures of my blog vanish! What i did wrong?
    Please, visit my new blog:

  7. It's not just an algorithm: it's an intentional campaign by the adult-entertainment industry and other copyright holders. While searching for and reporting sites that infringe their copyrights, they also report anything that looks like underaged subjects.

    This is one of the firms that are engaged for this purpose:

  8. Kent left a message which I can't find:

    It's not just an algorithm: it's an intentional campaign by the adult-entertainment industry and other copyright holders. While searching for and reporting sites that infringe their copyrights, they also report anything that looks like underaged subjects.

    This is one of the firms that are engaged for this purpose:

    This is true. Other causes of blog closings, are copyright violations, identity theft, etc. Copyright infringement is probably the second most popular reason for blog closings after spam.

    (Kent, sorry, I don't know where your original post is)


  9. It popped up again.

    Thanks, Jeff


  10. So why doesn't this appear to be happening on Tumblr or Wordpress? I've almost totally given up "reading" Blogger and switched to those.

  11. Rob, I can only guess but I think it's safe to say that Blogger is so hugh compared to Tumblr or WordPress that spammers would rather use Blogger for their spamming activities and reach more people. With spammers, quantity is very important. According to Blogger, thousands of blogs are closed daily on suspicion of spam. I don't think Tumblr or WP have enough blogs to attract spammers. That's my guess. Jeff

  12. Hey BrazilianGayVids, Jeff has asked me to help you out since I know more about get a Google Blog Backup switch over to a WordPress Blog. First of all, it doesn't appear that you have none anything wrong, for all your past posting are showing up on Your New WordPress Blog, but your right all the pictures are missing. When you did your backups of your old Google Blog, the backups were only backing up all the "Links" to the pictures you up loaded to your Picasa Account. If when Google Closed Your Old Blog, they also closed Your Picasa Account, this would explain why none of the pictures are showing up on your new Blog. However, if you still have access to your Picase Account and you can still see all your past uploaded Photos for Your Old blog, then please e-mail me @ and I will work you through how to get all you past pictures up to your new WordPress Blog. ( Brent )
