Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Say To Thee....Re-Open My Favorite...
And If It Is, Please Let US Know!!!  Thanks. 
Our New Listing(s) for March 12, 2011
B1069 (Removed)
Curious Guys (Removed)
Derwent Midland (Removed)
Fotogallery (Removed)
Gay Boys Cams (Removed)
GaYMe BoY (Removed)
Green Gay Boy! (Re-opened)
Hothot (Removed)
Masterpookie ! (Removed)
Mike in HD (Removed)
Some Ponies (Removed)
Tony's Red Flash (Removed)
Vanilia Boys (Removed)

(7) News Bulletins!!! (03/14) Just in...(In Search of a boi) is Re-opened under new name of (Still In Search of a boi)... :) Please see Our 'All Re-Opened Blog Section' for His Link…..And the following (6) Blogs have been removed from Our Re-Opened Blog Section...(Anton`s Older Gentlemen Gallery), (Bitchboy Blog), (Gay Andy), (POSES), (Straight Jock Talking) and (Yellowboy16 - Gay Pigs & Pissboys).... (:(:(:(:(:(: ........
Today's Listings were supplied to Us by, Albert (A Blog Visitor), Bob (A Blog Visitor), David (A Blog Visitor), Edward (A Blog Visitor), Karl (A Blog Visitor), Mica (A Blog Owner) @ Project Pretty Boy 2, Not_Me (A Blog Visitor), Patrick (A Blog Visitor), Sam (A Blog Visitor) Tony (A Former Blog Owner), Trevor (A Blog Owner) @ OMG! Its That Bi Kid and WillUBeMine (A Blog Visitor).  And We Thank ALL OF YOU Guys for taking the time to sharing what You know with US So That All Of Us Know The Same!!!
(1,009) Blogs are now on Our Master List and You can see the complete list by clicking on the following...

    So Blog Owners!!!
Need Help With This? Then Click (Here)
Backup Your Blog each time to you Post to it before you see Your Blog's Name on Our Next Posting!!! It fast and easy to do and Your Blog Fans will be so glad you have, when You Open Up Your Replacement Blog!!!
And If You're A Blog Visitor....and
You're Looking For Your Favorite Blog???
And Can Not Find It because it has been "Closed, Removed Or Deleted" by Google!!! Well We are happy to report that (186) of them have been re-opened either here at Google Blogger's or on another Service known as "WordPress"or they now have their "Own Domain".
So Guys, either check out Our Master List and hopefully You will find one of YOUR Favorite Blog(s) that has been Re-opened.....:) and Your Favorite Blog Owner didn't give up because of what Google is doing to OH SO MANY BLOGS!! OR.... You can simply click on the following Button to see Our complete Re-opened Blog Role!!!
And whether You're a Blog Owner or You're A Blog Visitor or You're Both click (Here) to report YOUR information about a Google Blog to Us and see Your Blog And/Or Your Name Highlighted here on our next Posting!!!! Thanking You if you do.
Your Blogger Buddies Always, Jeff & Brent


  1. Much to my amazement, my blog is still open. I have had over one million plus hits and have over 500 followers...I have been expecting Google to close it down for year now. Have I succeeded in eluding their homophobic wrath?
    Or maybe they haven't read the stuff I write and realize it is progressive-liberal and gone unnoticed.
    keep up the great work guys


  2. Thanks So Much Raulito, Jeff & I are trying our very best in keeping all Gay Blog Owners in touch with all their Blog Fans and at the same time, trying to expose to the World what Google Blogger is doing to OH SO MANY BLOGS!!!! What we are highlighting here as Gay Blogs Being Closed, well this is only the tip of the ice burg, for Google Blogger Closes THOUSANDS of their Blogs DAILY, which they proudly admit to in their OWN Google Help Forum. So all we can do is just keep Posting and Posting and Posting and Posting in the Google Forum to PEASLE RE-OPEN MY BLOG(S)!!!!

    Thanks again Raulito for taking the time to Post Your Most Kind Comment, and thank You so much for having Our Blog Link in Your Blog Role, we do appreciate it and we also have you in Our New Referral List!!!

    Your Blogger Buddy Always, (Brent)

  3. Are the shutdowns moving to Google groups now? I was just informed that Google deleted the ANBM group, which featured male nudity in mainstream films.


  4. Kent, not that we are aware of!!! First of all, Why Would a Google Closed Blog move to a Google Group??? For Google Groups fall under a whole different set of Guide Line Rules than Google Blogs??? Well maybe, but I highly think this as anything to do with How Many Google Blogs are being shut down, whether they are Gay or Straight! Unless your saying that the ANBM Group had a Google Blog before??? But this sounds like something that was in violation with of The Google Groups Rules and has nothing to do with Google Blogs being closed, as we report here. Your Blogger Buddy Here, (Brent)

  5. Jeff, Are you getting my e-mails.

    Still waiting for the outcome of the review process.


  6. Dee - yes I am getting them. I have emao;ed you but you may not have received them. Right now all you can do is wait. Google employees who turn blogs back on don't work on the weekends, so hopefully they will be able to review your blog and turn it back on this coming week. Jeff

  7. Kent, I have seen a few gay photo Google Groups spring up. Perhaps they are the next target. I'd appreciate it if you could keep us informed if you hear anything. Jeff

  8. Bitch boi blog has been removed, again.

  9. Keith Kats III ( has been removed

  10. Thanks for the information on (Keith Kats III) Kent. I will get this added to Our Wednesday's Posting. Brent

  11. And has also been removed.

