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The Place With The Most Current Status On Google Blogger's Closed Blogs.

With A New Posting On Saturday Mornings, With 'News Flash Bulletins' In Between, When There Is A Need To Let You Know Of The Latest Breaking News On All Google Blogger's Gay Blogs!!!

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

WordPress To Blogger???

A True Story....Back on Wednesday Morning, June 9, 2010 and I remember this Day has if it were just Yesterday, when I was trying to log into my g-mail account only to find out that it had been closed for "Spamming" by Google, along with my Wallpaper Blog and while it was somewhat easy to get my g-mail account reinstated, it wasn't so easy in getting my Wallpaper Blog back up and running in the same short period of time.  And while like Oh So Many others that had gone through this before me, I scrambled to get My Blog back up and running once again, so I turned to NibbleBit and that is when I got my first exposure to a "WordPress" Blog Style Template.  And while WordPress was totally foreign to me, when I saw that WordPress could IMPORT all My Postings and all Comments from a Google Blog, as shown here...
And I got all excited, for that meant I wasn't going to have to start all over again from the beginning!!  However, that excitement was short lived, for WordPress can ONLY import from a Google Blog that is still up and running!!!  But I didn't give up, for I did have a complete BACKUP of My Google Wallpaper Blog that was closed, so I decided just to created a New Google Blog and called it "Brent's Male Wallpapers II - Reborn" and imported by backup from My Closed Blog into this New Google Blog.  Once this was done, then My NibbleBit WordPress Blog was then able to access this New Google Public Blog and Import it into My New WordPress Blog and then I now had Two Wallpaper Blogs up and running!!!!  Ironically, My Second Google Wallpaper Blog, that was now containing everything that My First Wallpaper Blog contained that got it Closed By Google in the first place, is still up and running to this day!!!  Just goes to show you how messed up Google's Old Algorithm was, not to mention what a Joke It Was and after this I have never trusted Google for what they were staying!!!  And that is when I found this Blog and meet the One And Only Mr. Fix It "Jeff" and He added My Blog to His Master List back on June 10, 2010!!!  Like I said Guys, This Is A True Story and I have been trying to help others every since.
And while many of You maybe trying to figure out where I'm going with all of this, Well it is very easy Guys and that is wouldn't it be GREAT, now that Google is Closing fewer Blogs for "Spamming" and that so many blogs that have fled from Blogger to go to a WordPress Style Blog Service, that Google would/could come up with some kind of a routine that can IMPORT a WordPress Blog into a Google Blogger Blog for ALL THOSE that have fled, SO THEY CAN COME BACK????  For After all, If the WordPress Teem can do it, I sure would think that the Google Blogger Teem should be able to do the same?   Just my two cents for the Google Blogger Team to consider and with this said, here is.....
Our New Listing(s) for July 07, 2012
4GayTube (Removed)
DARK FLEX (Removed)
Entre machitos (Removed)#1
Maximilian (Removed)
PLANET VIDEON {Former Strictly Bareback} (Removed)*
The Last Blog (Removed)** 
*A Note Here: We have just received an e-mail from John, the former owner of "Planet Videon/Strictly Bareback" who is currently in the process of getting a WordPress Style Blog Up And Running....(((( Big Smile ))))...And We will keep You up-dated when He does!!!!  So "Bare" with Him while He does...(((( Even A Bigger Smile ))))
**Another Note Here: One Of OUR Many Blog Supporters, Hoping They Will Be Re-opened Soon!!!... :(:(
#1 English Translation (Among macho) Of A Spanish Blog
Today's Listings were supplied to Us by, BigOne4U, Elijah, Hayden, Jesse, John (A Former Blog Owner), Owen, Sebastian, Trevor, Xavier and (1) other Unknown (Blog Followers) that did not want their names highlight. And We Thank ALL OF YOU Guys for taking the time to sharing what You know with US so That All of Us Know The Same!!!
And sadly to say, there are now (2,998) Blogs on Our Master List, But on the other hand, this number is slowing down and You can see the complete list by clicking on the following...
So Blog Owners!!!
Even With The Newest Algorithm
For Your Just Never Know
With Google???
Need Help With This? Then Click (Here)
Backup Your Blog each time to you Post to it before you see Your Blog's Name on Our Next Posting!!! It fast and easy to do and Your Blog Fans will be so glad you have, when You Open Up Your Replacement Blog!!!
And If You're A Blog Visitor....and
You're Looking For Your Favorite Blog???
And Can Not Find It because it has been "Closed, Removed Or Deleted" by Google!!! Well We are happy to report that (306) of them have been re-opened either here at Google Blogger's or on another Service known as "WordPress"or they now have their "Own Domain".
So Guys, either check out Our Master List and hopefully You will find one of YOUR Favorite Blog(s) that has been Re-opened.....:) and Your Favorite Blog Owner didn't give up because of what Google is doing to OH SO MANY BLOGS!! OR.... You can simply click on the following Button to see Our complete Re-opened Blog Role!!!
And whether You're a Blog Owner or You're A Blog Visitor or You're Both click (Here) to report YOUR information about a Google Blog to Us and see Your Blog And/Or Your Name Highlighted here on our next Posting!!!  Thanking You if you do.
Your Blogger Buddies Always, Jeff & Brent


espresso1962 said...

Be aware, that WP does not host porn blog. But allows all to use their themes. Whether you own your own domain or not. You can use WP themes. But WP will not directly host you if your site contains pornography.

Brent said...

Thanks for sharing your information about WordPress Dot Com with Us Terian and while I have never seen a WordPress Blog stating we have move to Google Blogger, I sure have seen so many Google Blogs state that they have moved to another Blog Site using WordPress. The WordPress import routine to import a Google Blog sure makes it easy to move your Goggle Blog somewhere else for sure, just not to WordPress Dot Com. Your Blogger Buddy Always, (Brent)

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