Yes I know Blog Buddies and
Blog Fans it sure does seem like Google has been removing Gay Blogs for a very
long, long time now, but I truly do believe things are going to be get better
for many Gay Blogs now only because of the simply fact that there are fewer and fewer Gay
Blogs on Google Blogger than ever before and more and more Gay Blogs
are somewhere else on the Net that Google has no control over. And the reason
why I state this and to help you understand what I have stated is I went back
through all my spread sheets of New Found Blogs/Web Sites that I have been
reporting to all of you since December 1, 2014 and of the 482 Blogs/Web Sites
that I have found so far, ONLY 76 of them have been on Google Blogger! All the
rest have either opened on Nibblebit, Tumblr, Wordpress Dot Com (even though not
recommended only because they do not allow nudity) or self hosting on their Own
Domains. So has you can plainly see, Google Blogger is NO LONGER the first
choice for many Gay Blogger's that want a more stable Blogging Platform and not
having to worry from day to day if their Blog(s) are going to remain OPEN! And
with this said, here is...
This Blog's New Listings
Teen boys
undies (Removed)
*(A Note Here): Either this
Blogger was A Big Fan Of Gilda Radner from the original cast of Saturday Night
Live or He just knew what He was doing when He opened this Blog on Google
Blogger....(Sorry, just couldn't pass this one up and just had to say
it!)...(Big Devilish Smile)...Love How Creative Some Blogger's Come Up With Their
#1 English Translation (CROWNS AND AMATEUR chubby GORGEOUS) Of A Blog
Written In Portuguese
Today's Listings were
supplied by, Alvin, Antoni (A Blog Owner) @ Hairy And Fur, Carlos, Curtis,
Frank, Gary, Jacob, Jimmy, Matthew, Philip, Rodney, Shawn, Vincent and (3) other
Unknown (Blog Followers) that did not want their names highlight. And I Thank
ALL OF YOU Guys for taking the time to sharing what You know so That All of Us
Know The Same!!!
And sadly to say, there are now (4,674) Blogs on The
Master List and You can see the complete list by clicking on the
Need Help With This? Then Click (Here)
Backup Your Blog each time you Post to it before you
see Your Blog's Name on the Next Posting!!! It fast and easy to do and Your Blog
Fans will be so glad you have, when You Open Up Your Replacement
And If You're A Blog Visitor....and
Looking For Your Favorite Scroll???
And Can Not Find It because it has been "Closed,
Removed Or Deleted" by Google!!! Well I'm are happy to report that (334) of them
have been re-opened either here at Google Blogger's or on another Services or
they now have their "Own Domain" using WordPress.
So Guys, either check out The Master List and
hopefully You will find one of YOUR Favorite Blog(s) that has been
Re-opened.....:) and Your Favorite Blog Owner didn't give up because of what
Google is doing to OH SO MANY BLOGS!! OR.... You can simply click on the
following Button to see the complete Re-opened Blog
And whether You're a Blog Owner or You're A Blog
Visitor or You're Both click (Here) to report YOUR
information about a Google Blog and see Your Blog And/Or Your Name Highlighted
here on the next Posting!!! Thanking You if you do.
And besides the current (90) Re-Opened Blogs that
Support This Blog in Section #1 of the Re-Opened Section, don't forget to check
out the other Blogs/Web Sites that that Support This Blog either with The
Counter Of Shame and/or A Link Exchange in the Supporter Section which is
currently at (139) of them....((((BIG, BIG SMILE))))
And don't forget the New Found Gay Blog/Web Sites
which is currently at (119) that I have found on the Net that you might
also enjoy visiting...
Hoping You Enjoy This Newest Part Of The Blog Opened
In December 2014!
Your Blogger Buddy Always, Brent
That Is Just Trying To Help In Anyway I
This sucks. Been reading this blog from time to time, & it's not fair to see how many Gay blogs get shut down. It's sad. :/
Mine: Hot guys pictures
I totally agree with you Danijel and thank you for taking the time to post your thought and your link. I have added your "Fit Studs" Blog to the New Found Blog Section and hoping this helps bring some new traffic your way over the next 30 days. Your Blogger Buddy, (Brent)
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