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Sunday, August 23, 2009

acs hits the issue right in the center!!

"The whole issue really revolves around the fact that Blogger (Google) offers space for free, and in turn makes rules that we must follow. It doesn't matter if we think the rules suck (and they DO!) and it doesn't matter if we object (and we DO!), it's Google's servers and space and they can do whatever the hell they want. 

Yeah, that wreaks havoc with trying to put together a decent blog that attracts readers with like interests. Tough luck for us, but that is the reality of the internet. Someone ultimately owns the space or bandwidth we use; and free speech is not a law that applies to privately owned bandwidth. So let's stop bitching so much and wasting our breath and time - and move forward to finding places like nibblebit and other adult-friendly hosting sites."

It is my opinion that the above is totally true, yet I take issue with the last sentence.  "Bitching", as acs calls it, can be extremely therapeutic.  Many of us have spent a significant amount of time on our blogs and were taken off guard when Google Blogger locked them out from viewers.  I venture to guess there were a whole range of emotions experienced by Google Blogger bloggers who had their blog locked out, and by those Google Blogger bloggers who are still open but are aware that their blogs may be locked out at any time.  I think it is good to get the anger out and than move on to more friendly adult friendly blog spots.  It is also good for new Google Blogger bloggers to know that their blog may be locked out.  Knowing this information early gives them the opportunity to decide where to blog.  Knowledge is power, if used correctly.



Anonymous said...

Tired of google? The most effective way to let them know you're not happy is to uninstall the Google toolbar (e.g. use bing instead), stop supporting google products, and tell all your friends to move to another service. The point is that google, like many big companies, are motivated by customer response.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of you!

Anon is right...boycott is the only recourse we have.

Jeff is right...we need to get the anger out somehow, and the other emotions...I feel the loss of my own blog, but moreover of all my contacts that have been lost... if any of you are out there, email me flipflopsboy@aol.com

And ACS is right...we can do nothing but move on. Althought I DID buy extra space on Blogger, but that really doesn't matter I guess...

I just wish a real statement would be made...they don't want qays? Fine...as Anon said, THAT can be arranged!

In the mean time, I am really trying to get NibbleBit going...it's pretty user friendly, but as with anything new, it takes time...I really miss all you guys...

Love, FFB

Anonymous said...

Anon:8/23 2:35....a reasoned approach. I will be publishing this suggestion on 8/25. Thanks!

apop said...

Does any of this have to do with the current MSN/Yahoo fight(?) that's going on with Google?????

Anonymous said...

apop, no...the blog closings have been going on long before the current book publishing issue between Yahoo and Google.

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