Hey Blog Fans and Blog Buddies,
first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR To One And All and May All Your Favorite Blogs
Remain Open in this New Year, and If You're A Blog Owner, May Yours
Also....(((( BIG SMILE ))))
And now for what is
something NEW....
Yes, Once Again This Blog As
Something NEW To Start Off The New Year With, since it appears to me that www.e-referrer.com that once was, as shown
Has thrown in the towel for
good this time since this Web Site has been down for almost a month now and
Richard, the Web Site Owner is not responding to any of my e-mails. Well I
manage to find another 3rd party gadget to replace it with know as, "Live
Traffic Feed" as shown here...
(Photo Take Yesterday)
And is in place at the
bottom of this Blog's Side Bar were e-referrer use to
I first installed this
gadget last week on My Wallpaper Blog and gave it a test drive and while
it is no where near what the e-referrer gadget did, it does supply a blog owner
and it's visitors with all kinds of information besides link referrals.
Like where the Visitor lives, what Browser they are using, what their Operating
System is and what Web Site they came from, like e-referrer did, that is if when
you install this Gadget you make sure to check the box for "Show where visitors
came from:", as shown here....
And while you can also see
that this Gadget can be totally customized where as you can select colors to
perfectly match your Blog/Web Site, along with the width size that you would
like to match where you are placing it. And while not all this information
above is shown within the gadget it's self on a Blog/Web Site, however when one
clicks on "Real-Time View" or "Menu" and then from the pop-up menu clicks
on "Real-Time View", then one sees all the above information along with the last
(100) entries, not just the last (10) within the Gadget it's self. And like I
said, this is no where near what the e-referrer Gadget did, but then again, it
is better than having nothing at all. At least I'm able once again to see at a
glance, any Blog/Web Sites that are linking to this blog so that I can make sure
that they are either in the "Re-Opened" Section Or the "Supporter" Section of
this blog for all of YOU and if not, then add them. OK?
Hoping this information has
been of help to someone that once also had the e-referrer gadget on their
Blog/Web Site and hoping to see where their referrals are coming from once
Your Blogger Buddy
With Blogging Love And
(( Brent
¡MERRY 2K14!
Thanks and Happy New Year 2014.
Thanks iama{GAY}tekeeper and Javier, so glad to see you two Blog Owners are still stopping by to check things out. Your Blogger Buddy, (Brent)
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