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Sunday, August 16, 2009

This is the start and the end of Google Blogger's message when I clicked on "Request Unlock Review" this morning.

Note the following:

  1. The heading states my blog is in violation of the terms of service.
  2. The next sentence states my blog has been locked due to POSSIBLE violation of the TOS.
  3. The next to last sentence states a 48 hour review.
  4. The last sentence states my request was made and received on August 14, 2009.

Let's see where all of this goes a few days from now.


Your blog is in violation of the terms of service

Your blog has been locked due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations and is currently accessible to authors only.

Once you've requested a review, a Blogger employee will review your blog within two business days and take action as necessary.

We received your unlock request on August 14, 2009. Please be patient while we take a look at your blog and verify that it is not in violation of ourcontent policy.


Anonymous said...

There are ALOT of blogs that have been closed due to "terms of service". When you read their "terms of service" it clearly states that they have the right to change the terms of service without any notice. So what was alright yesterday may not be alright today. So they can find one that annoys them (they may hate Ross Hurston) so they close you down because you posted pics of him. They should not be able to change what they find "unacceptable" at the drop of a hat.

There are several I check each day and they have set up accounts on other servers "just incase" Blogspot gets another hair up their ass and cancels them.

Anonymous said...

Glen, you certainly are correct. I also have a back-up just in case. I have found, however, that I can just open another blog on Blogger and input from the locked-out blog. The only problem is notifying all of my fellow linkers. That is a pain in the butt.

Basically, if I am in violation of the Terms of Service - no matter how it's interpreted by Google Blogger on any given day - I just ask to be told exactly what and how I violated the TOS, and I would like the opportunity to correct the problem and go on with my blog. Google Blogger just keeps it all so mysterious and so far I have heard from no one.

Thanks for your input, Glenn!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff --

I see you have already listed my blog as one that was hit.

I requested a Site Review at 6 AM on August 12. Like you, I got conflicting messages, and no word from Google.

I have reopened at www.flipflopsinexile.blogspot.com, although I would love to leave Blogger altogether. But after 3 years of using it, it is easy to navigate, and I really don't have the free time right now to learn another host.

I take a lot of time trying to keep my blog (which is primarily a picture blog) fresh, creative, fun...and within appropriate boundaries for its content.

I have, however, opened a blog at NibbleBits, as a back up. But again, my time has not been such to really work with it.

I also agree with you that it is the silence of Google Blogger that makes this so frustrating (as well as trying to get the word out to your followers/friends). Why are they so mysterious about it? Just tell us...and we will correct it, or move on.

It really is baffling.

It has been mentioned that "boy" and "boi" might be red flags, but there are many that have been deleted without those tags, and many with those tags that have NOT been deleted...

Which...leads me to believe this could be the result of a (powerful) individual at Google Blogger...someone who has the ability to target whomever they personally choose.

Again, it is baffling!

Anonymous said...

The reason why blogs (not only gay-oriented) get deleted is very simple: copyright violations. Some porn companies are very active in this respect: if you post a movie or a clip from Titan you will almost certainly get deleted. But why do not all blogs with gay porn clips get deleted? I think there are two reasons:

1. Only a few porn companies actively pursue copyright violations of their material. Hiring someone or a firm to browse the web for their material costs money. Most gay porn companies don't have the money to pay for this.

2. There are so many blogs and sites that is almost impossible to check them all out. But through the system of blog linkage and referral the search for 'copyright violations' becomes much easier. If an active porn company detects 'their' stuff on blogs or sites it complains with Blogger (=Google) who takes the all too well known action against the blog/blogger concerned.

Kind Regards,

Dutch Dude

Anonymous said...

FlipFlopsBoy...Excellent point and I am using this as a post!

Anonymous said...

Dutch Dude...Your comment is excellent and certainly accurate. I am using this as a post. Thanks for your input!

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